Redirect Console Output: stdout and stderr

File descriptors:

  • 0: stdin
  • 1: stdout
  • 2: stderr
# redirect stdout to a file `test.log`
$ strace uptime > test.log
$ strace uptime 1> test.log

# redirect stderr to a file `test.log`
$ strace uptime 2> test.log

# redirect stderr to stdout
# &1 references the value of the file descriptor 1 (stdout)
$ sh /home/vinta/ > /tmp/do_shit.log 2>&1

# `2> 1` actually means that you redirect stderr to a file named `1`
$ sh /home/vinta/ > /tmp/do_shit.log 2> 1
$ cat 1

# redirect both stderr and stdout to file `test.log`
$ strace uptime &> test.log

# run a command in backgroud
$ long-running-command &
