argparse: Create a Command-line App with Python
argparse is a Python standard library makes it easy to write a CLI application. You should use this module instead of optparse.
argparse is a Python standard library makes it easy to write a CLI application. You should use this module instead of optparse.
awscli is a command-line interface for all Amazon Web Services (AWS).
因為前陣子跟朋友們一起弄了一個技術週刊:CodeTengu Weekly 碼天狗週刊,每個禮拜在考慮要放哪些內容的時候,突然覺得:「你都去哪裡看技術文章?」或許也會是個有價值而且實用的主題,所以乾脆就來跟大家分享一下,我覺得不錯的每日資訊來源。
Tools you could use to profile your Python, Django or Flask projects, including: timer, pycallgraph, cProfile, line-profiler, memory-profiler.
django-debug-toolbar is a toolbox to display various debug information about the current request and response in Django.